Sigh, So here I was, about to write a post about some or many of the uses of Duct Tape in a sur­vival sit­u­a­tion.  Just before I sat down to write this post, I did a last minute search for Duct Tape and Sur­vival…  I should not have been sur­prised when I found many blog­gers have already dis­cussed this.  So instead of recre­at­ing the wheel I am list­ing some of the sites that have already dis­cussed this, because much of their con­tent is already very good.  So here it goes:

My favorite use for Duct Tape:

  • Blis­ters.  Car­ry cot­ton balls and duct tape.  Cov­er the blis­tered area with some cot­ton, and tape over the cot­ton and the blis­ter with the duct tape.  Make sure that the duct tape ful­ly cov­ers the cot­ton and the blis­ter with the duct tape attached to your skin and not the blis­ter in any way.  This extra lay­er should keep your blis­ter from get­ting worse and add addi­tion­al pro­tec­tion.  I have actu­al­ly done this.  While it can still be a lit­tle uncom­fort­able, id does not hurt half as much if you left it unat­tend­ed.  To add a lit­tle heal­ing pow­er, use a lit­tle triple antibi­ot­ic before you seal in the cot­ton ball…

Duct Tape is some­thing that should be in every­one’s sur­vival kit.  Goril­la Tape is said to be Duct Tape on steroids as well… Might pick up a roll and play around with it.

And final­ly, here is an inter­est­ing Duct Tape sto­ry: