What are some of you 2011 Pre­pared­ness goals?  Here are some of mine in no par­tic­u­lar order:

  1. Add an addi­tion­al three months of food stor­age to my preps,
  2. Take at least two tac­ti­cal shoot­ing cours­es,
  3. Con­tin­ue teach­ing what I learn when I can,
  4. Take sev­er­al wilder­ness sur­vival cours­es,
  5. Start doing joint videos with Prac­ti­cal Prim­i­tive to add to the blog.
  6. Renew my First Aid and CPR Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions
  7. Take a CERT Course
  8. Con­tin­ue with my fit­ness goals (want to go down 30lbs in fat weight and increase some mus­cle weight)
  9. Increase my sav­ings (spe­cif­ic num­ber not spec­i­fied yet)
  10. Rebuild my bud­get and pay off all debt!  This includes, Cred­it cards (which are almost gone, 2006 IRS/State Audit which is a pain in my @$$), truck pay­ment, etc.  This is a per­son­al non nego­tiable item for 2011 and will be sig­nif­i­cant and dif­fi­cult, but a dri­ving fac­tor in work­ing very hard this year.
  11. Hike and camp more if I can on the week­ends (skills prac­tice week­ends).
  12. Enjoy the ride, even though it is going to be a hard work­ing year.

12 goals, for 12 months.  Obvi­ous­ly those goals are not going to hap­pen month over month, but will have to be exe­cut­ed in a very strate­gic way this year.  Looks like a year with­out vaca­tion again, but if I can take a three day week­end here or there in my tent, I’ll take it!

As promised, as well, some time ago, here is a per­son­al bud­get spread­sheet that I have mod­i­fied in the past for my own use.  Feel free to down­load it and use it for your­self…

  • Per­son­al_Bud­get_Tem­plate-Excel97-03
    • This file is in Microsoft Excel 97 — 2003 for­mat and should work on all ver­sions of Microsoft Excel from 97 — 2010.
    • Save it to your com­put­er and use it for 2011