So I just bought the book, “Build the Per­fect Sur­vival Kit” by John D. McCann.  It has been around for a few years, but I fig­ured it was worth the read, and will write a review of it when fin­ished.  I will let you know whether or not this book makes the cut for the sub­ur­ban or urban sur­vival­ist in you.

Here is a descrip­tion of the book:

It was pub­lished by Krause Pub­li­ca­tion (now KP Books), April, 2005.  It is a 6″ x 9″ soft cov­er book with 192 pages and over 150 pho­tographs.  The fore­word is by Ron Hood of Hoods Woods, with over 35 years expe­ri­ence in teach­ing sur­vival.

An emer­gency can arise at any­time.  Now every­one from the aver­age com­muter to the risk-tak­ing sports­man can ben­e­fit from a sur­vival kit.  Each kit is described with a list of com­po­nents, a pic­ture of the fin­ished prod­uct, and a dis­cus­sion of each com­po­nent and its val­ue.

The book advo­cates care­ful plan­ning and build­ing a per­son­al­ized kit specif­i­cal­ly tai­lored to each out­ing or pos­si­ble emer­gency.  Read­ers will learn about the nine com­po­nent cat­e­gories: Fire & Light, Sig­nal­ing, Nav­i­ga­tion, Water & Food, Shel­ter & Pro­tec­tion, Knives & Tools, Mul­ti-pur­pose Items, and Mis­cel­la­neous Items.

Armed with the kit-build­ing tech­niques found in this book, You Will Be Pre­pared To Sur­vive!