The Case For Non-Lethal Defense

Guest Post by a read­er who wish­es to remain anony­mous. You can’t get away from it. Prepping/survival blogs, web­sites, books, videos etc. all inevitable (and some­times ini­tial­ly too) dis­cuss the need for a defense strat­e­gy in the face of a SHTF event lead­ing... Read more
The homeless as survivalists

The homeless as survivalists

I was in NYC yes­ter­day, as I often am. As I was walk­ing to the hotel to vis­it a friend that was in town, I saw sev­er­al home­less peo­ple as I usu­al­ly do near Port Author­i­ty. Today, how­ev­er, I took par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to them, not­ed what they were... Read more