Please note that they are rel­a­tive­ly unsta­ble and should not be used for any­thing oth­er than emer­gency or nov­el­ty pur­pos­es. I.E. I do not sug­gest using these to be part of some sort of dun­geon themed room since they would prob­a­bly light your house on fire.

**Be care­ful, I do not want some law suit because you are the kind of per­son that burns your­self with match­es and then you try to make a torch for the fun of it. What­ev­er you do is your respon­si­bil­i­ty and in no way is it my prob­lem what hap­pens if you use or mis­use this tech­nique**

Old Fash­ion TorchMore DIY How To Projects

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