had a post in April regard­ing Urban Resources.  Click the link or see it below.

Hav­ing a plan of action is crit­i­cal in any sur­vival sit­u­a­tion. Any good Urban Sur­vival plan should have a way to find food, water and oth­er sup­plies with­in walk­ing dis­tance of your home. It should also include mul­ti­ple routes to get out of Dodge should the need arise.

Plan of Action

Get a detailed map of your area (or down­load one from Google maps). Plot out all the routes to where you can find var­i­ous sup­plies dur­ing an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion.

WATER – Ponds, streams, rivers, wells or what­ev­er oth­er sources of water are near your area need to be plot­ted out in detail.

  • How far are they from your loca­tion?
  • How much water can you obtain from the source?
  • Are there water sources where you can bathe and wash clothes?
  • What are the risks asso­ci­at­ed with obtain­ing water from the source?
  • Are there safe­ty issues that you may encounter and how will you over­come them?
  • Can you stay hid­den along your route?


  • Where can you find wild game around your area?
  • Are there area where you can eas­i­ly set traps & snares?
  • What are the edi­ble wild plants in your area?
  • Are there farms in your area? Local gar­dens?
  • What are the risks asso­ci­at­ed with trans­port­ing food in your area?
  • Are there safe­ty issues that you may encounter and how will you over­come them?
  • Can you stay hid­den along your route?

ESCAPE ROUTES – Hav­ing mul­ti­ple escape routes is extreme­ly impor­tant and should not be over­looked. Make sure you study your routes, and know them well!

  • Find routes that have mul­ti­ple oth­er escape routes via the orig­i­nal trail.
  • Are there hik­ing trails in your area?
  • Are there train tracks in your area?
  • How easy is it to stay hid­den while walk­ing along your route?
  • Is there a riv­er you can safe­ly fol­low?
  • Make sure you also know where to find food and water along your escape routes.

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