Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…
90 Prepper and Preparedness YouTube Channels
If any of you have followed this blog for a long period of time (and I assume some of the old-timers are gone), I used to post every Saturday a number of curated videos from YouTube that I selected as potentially relevant. Since then my subscriptions have expanded. …
5 Novels Every Prepper Should Read
This is a list of the five best novels I’ve come across (and Ive read many) for prepper fiction.. they are not in any particular order. The criteria I used to add a book to this short list is as follows: 1) a good story line; did the book have a story line…
Obtaining water from your hot water heater
The Official Warning from Department of Homeland Security, 6 Months or More Without Critical Utilities
Well, it’s finally happened, and you’ve probably already heard about it… The United States Government has officially, on paper, to the public said that our electrical grid, water supply, gas supply, and much more are in dire jeopardy of failing if our…
The Winter EMP Theory
Well, winter is coming to the northeastern US. It’s getting colder here in NJ and any day the temperature could go down to below freezing, stay there for the next few months and pile us up with snow and ice. I’m thinking about this because I was just on Facebook in…
Does Your Job Help You Stay Prepped, Trained, and Fit?
I work from home remotely from my company’s office. It is a curse and a blessing. I can get a LOT done in a shorter period of time because almost as soon as I wake up, wipe the sleep out of my eyes, I am at work… When I need some flex time to go to the doctor,…
Prepping, Moving, and Lots of Stuff. Protecting Your OPSEC
Well, after many years in the 1 — 1/2 bedroom apartment in Northern NJ, Ms. Prepper and I recently moved in together, and into a new home. Anyone that has accumulated any amount of stuff, knows that the mere act of packing your stuff and moving it can be a daunting…
Character Matters, Quick Thoughts About Shelter With in a SHTF
In considering to form a survival group or just simply who you would allow sheltering with you in an SHTF/WROL emergency there are many articles, videos, books, etc that discuss the type of people to seek for inclusion in such a group: A mechanic, a doctor/nurse/EMT,…
Jade Helm: Another Perspective
By now if you’re a prepper (and even if not) you pretty much have to been living in a cave or under a rock not to have at least heard of Jade Helm. But for the benefit of anyone reading this who hasn’t very briefly Jade Helm is a very large scale military exercise…