The Benefits of Playing with Walkie-Talkies with Your Kids from a Preparedness Perspective

The Benefits of Playing with Walkie-Talkies with Your Kids from a Preparedness Perspective

A cou­ple of years ago, I bought my then 4?year-old a cou­ple of walkie-talkies for tod­dlers… The usage con­cept didn’t take.  Last week, I put a Baofeng UV-5R in her hands that was tuned for an FRS chan­nel.  She imme­di­ate­ly grasped the con­cept and... Read more
Why I Have Considered and Will Be Adding Narcan to My EDC

Why I Have Considered and Will Be Adding Narcan to My EDC

Intro­duc­tion The con­cept of Every Day Car­ry (EDC) has become syn­ony­mous with readi­ness and the abil­i­ty to respond to unex­pect­ed chal­lenges. EDC is not just about the items we car­ry; it’s a mind­set, a phi­los­o­phy that under­scores the impor­tance of... Read more
Assessing the Credibility of a Financial Collapse in the United States in the Near Future

Assessing the Credibility of a Financial Collapse in the United States in the Near Future

Immi­nent Threat Series: Assess­ing the Cred­i­bil­i­ty of a Finan­cial Col­lapse in the Unit­ed States in the Near Future Intro­duc­tion In an era marked by unprece­dent­ed glob­al eco­nom­ic chal­lenges, the specter of a finan­cial col­lapse in the Unit­ed States... Read more
The Importance of Creating Your Own Currency for Preparedness Groups

The Importance of Creating Your Own Currency for Preparedness Groups

If you are a mem­ber of a pre­pared­ness or mutu­al assis­tance group, I feel it is get­ting to be much more impor­tant to under­stand the impor­tance of being ready for any emer­gency sit­u­a­tion. You hope­ful­ly stock­pile food stor­age, water, and med­ical... Read more