by suburban | Jun 13, 2011 | Bug Out, Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival
This post is a result of the recent survey that I just took based on one of the comments that was left… I thought it might be an interesting one to start with, since for newbies, it might help them to use what they have immediately if they had to… Scenario.... Read more
by ST | May 24, 2011 | Civil Unrest, Guest Posts, Preparedness, Urban Survival
An odd occurrence happened to me this winter. The short version: Late one cold evening we heard an odd sound at the front door. Our dog started barking. I didn’t see anyone at the door. No one rang the bell. So finally I carefully cracked open the door and a... Read more
by Prepperjim | May 11, 2011 | But Out Bag, EDC, Gear, Personal, suburban survival, Survival Gear, Urban Survival
When I first began prepping, I put a tactical messenger bag on my Amazon Christmas list so that I could carry “stuff” around to be a “survivalist” if the “SHTF”. I am putting those words in quotation, because I had no idea at the time what stuff I needed... Read more
by suburban | Apr 18, 2011 | Food, General, Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Ideally, you replace one can of something with two cans of that same something when you use it and you are rotating your preps. Lately, I have been a bit lazy thinking I have had enough, but I really do not, and if you read Friday’s post, clearly my... Read more
by suburban | Apr 12, 2011 | Guest Posts, Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I previously wrote that the beginning of any prepping plan is goals. That is, what is it you are actually trying to accomplish? In other words, you must have SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound. So,... Read more