by suburban | Feb 1, 2011 | Preparedness, Survivalism
This is a second article by the same reader who asked not to be identified. During my last article I discussed various scenarios for using non-lethal defenses. While the responses were great, they did focus on an ancillary aspect of the article I... Read more
by suburban | Jan 24, 2011 | Guest Posts
Guest Post by a reader who wishes to remain anonymous. You can’t get away from it. Prepping/survival blogs, websites, books, videos etc. all inevitable (and sometimes initially too) discuss the need for a defense strategy in the face of a SHTF event leading... Read more
by suburban | Apr 27, 2010 | General, Survivalism
I was in NYC yesterday, as I often am. As I was walking to the hotel to visit a friend that was in town, I saw several homeless people as I usually do near Port Authority. Today, however, I took particular attention to them, noted what they were... Read more