Assessing the Credibility of Martial Law Being Forced Upon Citizens of the United States in the Future

Assessing the Credibility of Martial Law Being Forced Upon Citizens of the United States in the Future

In this blog post, we’ll exam­ine the poten­tial and cred­i­bil­i­ty of mar­tial law being imple­ment­ed in the Unit­ed States. Being from the U.S. and hav­ing not expe­ri­enced mar­tial law first­hand, as some sec­ond and third-world coun­tries have, it is just a... Read more
The Benefits of Playing with Walkie-Talkies with Your Kids from a Preparedness Perspective

The Benefits of Playing with Walkie-Talkies with Your Kids from a Preparedness Perspective

A cou­ple of years ago, I bought my then 4?year-old a cou­ple of walkie-talkies for tod­dlers… The usage con­cept didn’t take.  Last week, I put a Baofeng UV-5R in her hands that was tuned for an FRS chan­nel.  She imme­di­ate­ly grasped the con­cept and... Read more
Assessing the Credibility of a Financial Collapse in the United States in the Near Future

Assessing the Credibility of a Financial Collapse in the United States in the Near Future

Immi­nent Threat Series: Assess­ing the Cred­i­bil­i­ty of a Finan­cial Col­lapse in the Unit­ed States in the Near Future Intro­duc­tion In an era marked by unprece­dent­ed glob­al eco­nom­ic chal­lenges, the specter of a finan­cial col­lapse in the Unit­ed States... Read more