So, on my way back from camp­ing today, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to catch up on some of Jack Spirko’s, The Sur­vival Pod­cast Episodes.  The two that hap­pened to be in my queue for lis­ten­ing were a two part series on Urban and Sub­ur­ban Home­steading, and Urban and Sub­ur­ban Secu­ri­ty.

Both shows were excel­lent.  I liked the show on urban home­steading, because Jack made good points about being more self suf­fi­cient, and the Secu­ri­ty show was very good because he stressed self and sit­u­a­tion­al aware­ness.  Both areas that I par­tic­u­lar­ly agree with.

If you did not click on the links above, they are below, and you should spend a cou­ple hours of your spare time lis­ten­ing to them if you can.

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