Weath­er looks good for Sat­ur­day evening.  Think I’m going to hit the camp­ing trail, try out my new chi­nook Ther­mopalm 50 degree sleep­ing bag, It com­press­es down to some­thing just larg­er than a foot­ball, and a new bivy tent I picked up not too long ago at Sports­man­’s Guide.   I can no longer find pic­tures of it online, so I will take one when I have it set up and add it to this post.  The sleep­ing bag, how­ev­er, is very light when packed.  I can prob­a­bly pick up a fleece sleep­ing bag as in insert and use it down to 35 degrees.  I’ll let you know what I think.

Look­ing for­ward to hav­ing no mobile phone ser­vice and relax­ing by the fire.