Today, I came across a video at the Sur­vival Spot Blog enti­tled “Five Minute Bug Out.”  You can check out the video below.

I may actu­al­ly try this exer­cise in the com­ing week or two.  I may set up a poll as to what type of sce­nario to be in.  The poll will let you choose a sce­nario that I have to test under, and I will report on it.

If you have not read my mod­i­fied rule of threes, I say you have three sec­onds do decide whether you are going to bug in or bug out if the SHTF.  In the case of this video, it was civ­il unrest.  That said, depend­ing on your prox­im­i­ty to the civ­il unrest, you may give your­self three sec­onds to three hours or more depend­ing upon how bad the sit­u­a­tion is.