Well, thanks to you, the Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog read­ers, we are grow­ing to a size where I have orga­ni­za­tions con­tact­ing me ask­ing if they can offer you the read­er dis­counts on their prod­ucts.  A lit­tle on prod­uct ven­dors offer­ing dis­counts: I will vet out whether or not they make sense for you the read­er.  From time to time I may ask for your opin­ion, and will most like­ly do so via our Face­book page.  For dis­counts, you do not have to reg­is­ter with the blog, but I would ask for your par­tic­i­pa­tion in con­ver­sa­tion from time to time, since both the ven­dor and I will be spend­ing time dis­cussing what type of dis­count and on what prod­ucts it may or may not make sense for you the read­er.

As for con­tests, I am get­ting more ven­dors ask­ing if I am run­ning con­test yet and giv­ing away items that make sense.  This is com­ing, and I have a ven­dor I am dis­cussing a con­test and a sur­vival prod­uct cur­rent­ly.  To be com­plete­ly up front, I may have to share your infor­ma­tion with the ven­dor if you are the win­ner, and in some cas­es depend­ing on the con­test or how it is set up with the ven­dor, I may have to share your email address.  This will be dis­closed up front so that you can decide if you wish to par­tic­i­pate.  Many ven­dors sim­ply want to add you to their mail­ing list so you can receive infor­ma­tion about their prod­ucts and ser­vices, and if you do not mind that you may win a cool gift or prize.

You will notice at the top of this page there are two new pages and one miss­ing.  I have added a Con­tests and Dis­counts page respec­tive­ly, and tak­en down the clas­si­fieds sec­tion, since it had no usage.  Con­tests and Dis­counts will be used much more often, any­way…

That said, with respect to dis­counts, what types of prod­ucts or ven­dors would you like to see offer spe­cial offers to you?  Feel free to leave them in the com­ments below, as I will reach out direct­ly to those that would make the most sense.

Thanks for grow­ing this lit­tle per­son­al project to a lev­el that is gain­ing some type of momen­tum across the sur­vival­ist blog­sphere…