The First 30 Days: Building a Future After the Fall

The First 30 Days: Building a Future After the Fall

The fol­low­ing is a fic­tion­al account of the first 30 days after an apoc­a­lyp­tic event and how we may “attempt” to recov­er some nor­mal­cy in the neigh­bor­hood if we can­not make what could be a dead­ly and dan­ger­ous trek to the bug-out loca­tion... Read more
Your Ultimate Guide to Bugging Out: 8 — 10 Essential Locations

Your Ultimate Guide to Bugging Out: 8 — 10 Essential Locations

E?Book PDF: Open in New Win­dow | Down­loadSub­scribe: Apple Pod­casts | RSS Recent­ly I gave a pre­sen­ta­tion to a group of new to sea­soned prep­pers, clear­ly in var­i­ous stages of their pre­pared­ness jour­neys.  For some in the pre­sen­ta­tion, each stage... Read more
The Benefits of Playing with Walkie-Talkies with Your Kids from a Preparedness Perspective

The Benefits of Playing with Walkie-Talkies with Your Kids from a Preparedness Perspective

A cou­ple of years ago, I bought my then 4?year-old a cou­ple of walkie-talkies for tod­dlers… The usage con­cept didn’t take.  Last week, I put a Baofeng UV-5R in her hands that was tuned for an FRS chan­nel.  She imme­di­ate­ly grasped the con­cept and... Read more