So, today I want to pub­lish sev­er­al videos by Dave Can­ter­bury of the Pathfind­er School.  I have a ton of Respect for Dave.  His videos are infor­ma­tive, he is thor­ough, and a pro­fes­sion­al sur­vival­ist.  He has a new show on the Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel as well…

Part 1:  Build­ing a Dis­count Bushcraft Kit

Part 2: Build­ing a Dis­count Bushcraft Kit

Part 3: Build­ing a Dis­count Bushcraft Kit (Food)

Part 4: Build­ing a Dis­count Bushcraft Kit (Take down buck saw for 10 bucks)

Part 5: Build­ing a Dis­count Bushcraft Kit (Wool Blan­ket)

Part 6: Build­ing a Dis­count Bushcraft Kit (Cheap Small Game Snares)

Part 7: Build­ing a Dis­count Buscraft Kit (The Blan­ket Pack)