
What pre­pared­ness blogs are talk­ing about can vary wild­ly by top­ic. Some are sim­ply web­sites with tips on what to pack when going on a two-week trip, while oth­ers have entire sec­tions ded­i­cat­ed to full-on dis­as­ter pre­pared­ness for the world as a whole. But whichev­er type of pre­pared­ness blog you choose, there are a num­ber of them out there for you, we guar­an­tee it. The ulti­mate goal of any pre­pared­ness blog is to help their read­ers become pre­pared for what­ev­er Moth­er Nature or some nefar­i­ous evil­do­er decides to toss our way.

Here are some of the best pre­pared­ness blogs that we think you should always read when you have the time IMHO.

These pre­pared­ness blogs are great for get­ting ideas and shar­ing infor­ma­tion from experts in your field. Whether it’s tips on emer­gency food stor­age and prepa­ra­tion, emer­gency ener­gy sup­ply, or build­ing sur­vival skills, there are all kinds of dif­fer­ent pre­pared­ness blogs out there cov­er­ing just about any area that you could pos­si­bly con­sid­er prep­ping for. Best of all, the entries on most of these sites are often updat­ed dai­ly for you to make sure that you’re stay­ing up to date on the newest and best sur­vival skills and meth­ods out there!

Here is a short­list of oth­er fan­tas­tic blogs out on the Inter­Webs…