I want to clar­i­fy some­thing for those that may read this blog.  I am a neo­phyte when it comes to the true sense of being a sur­vival­ist.  i.e. I believe I am a stu­dent, always learn­ing.  I am by no means a teacher, and by no means some­one who runs a sur­vival school.   I am an aver­age guy that is look­ing to pass along my thoughts to those in sub­ur­ban areas and to share what I have been able to find with my lim­it­ed time.  What this blog also does is help me with the col­lect­ed thoughts that I form, as well as put them out there for feed­back, although I have had very lim­it­ed respons­es from those that may be read­ing it.  Not to wor­ry, I will keep post­ing in hopes it helps in your thought process or prepa­ra­tions as well…

So, to reit­er­ate, “My Thoughts,” are just that, thoughts, as well as opin­ion.  Take them with a grain of salt, or take them and use, mod­i­fy, and imple­ment them.  It’s up to you.  How­ev­er, feel free to com­ment, as any input is good input…