Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…
Prepper Envy
As a each of us go through our preparations for the SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, you may come across people who have achieved a level of preparedness most of only dream of. That is, they have a fully stocked bomb shelter in a rural location with 20 years of food, water, fuel,…
Extensive Traveling and Bug Out Location Hunting
Hey everyone, just an FYI, as I write this from a hotel room in way upstate NY state this evening. I am going to be traveling extensively over the next three weeks for personal reasons over the and for work, and I may not have the time to write as much as I would…
Learn To Read A Map!!
This is as much an article as a rant. I can’t believe how many people cannot follow simple travel directions or read a basic road map! I’m not talking about a topography or geo survey map. Not even a marine chart. Just a basic road map. Nor am I referring to cryptic…
The Bug Out Trailer or The Camping Trailer
Recently, I read a post over at Scott William’s, Bug-Out Survival blog called 4x4 Tent Trailers for Hauling Your Stuff Off Road. Without going into great detail, I have looked at these before with great interest, primarily because I drive an SUV. There are a couple…
Saturday Videos
The Day the Dollar Died httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8gJSMoOJc Individual First Aid Kit — A Must Have in a SHTF httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAa6_Dd3MYw The ABC’s of Communications httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W3A_RfTxrI Going to the Field, Hygiene, Part…
The Food I Buy Is Changing, a Lot.
It is evident. My last few trips to the grocery store have yielded what I believe what others have been talking about now for some time. But to me it is visually noticeable. I know this because I am a creature of habit. Being a single guy, I generally purchase the…
It’s the Small Stuff
When thrust into a survival situation, it is often the small things that make the difference between success (survival) and failure (death). Often, having a sense of comfort makes all the difference in your mental attitude. With so many prepper words devoted to guns,…
Would YOU be a shelter? (Remembering Anne Frank)
Everyone loves a scapegoat. Throughout history whenever something terrible happens either for reasons too complex for the common person to grasp or just the culmination of many other events people as a whole try to seek out someone, some group of people, to blame for…
Weekend Camping Trip, and a Few New Pieces of Gear
This weekend was my first real weekend camping trip of the season. It’s primarily my go-to place for camping in the summer. It also may/could function as a secondary Bug Out location. But more on that another time, and to my point, there was a LOT of work to do when…
Saturday Videos
Who Is Hoping for a SHTF/WROL (sent to me by a friend) httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsfjklwicPc The 5 C’s of Survivability, A Quick Rundown, Dave Canturbury httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPjGIheVi4w Going to the Field — Gear Review and Testing…