peak_inverterI recent­ly pur­chased a Bug Out Vehi­cle.  Admit­ted­ly it is a 1990 Jeep YJ/Wrangler.  It was clear­ly the base mod­el.  How­ev­er, it has a lift kit, big­ger tires, and a few ameni­ties you might want in a bug out vehi­cle.  But one thing it lacked was the prover­bial cig­a­rette lighter to pow­er my low volt­age devices… So, one of the first things I did was to research putting a cig­a­rette lighter in the Jeep.  That quick­ly gave way to low end invert­ers, which quick­ly gave way to what I will call mid range invert­ers, so that I could pow­er mul­ti­ple devices.  I decid­ed on, at the time, what was a 1000 watt invert­er (See the unit I bought and installed here) with a cou­ple unique fea­tures, and what I will call require­ments.  The first require­ment became a/multiple USB ports.  The sec­ond was obvi­ous­ly a few three prong 120 volt out­lets for basic appli­ances that might require charg­ing, such as the air pump for my air mat­tress for camp­ing, or my small cool­er which has a small refrig­er­a­tion unit built in to keep items cool.  Not to men­tion run­ning small pow­er tools if I had to or to charge their bat­ter­ies.  The bonus plan was the remote unit that you could also mount else­where in the vehi­cle.  That was a real

val­ue add.  So if you want to mount the invert­er unit in the trunk of your car, you could run the remote unit to the back seat and mount it some­where.  In my case I mount­ed the invert­er itself under the back­seat of the jeep, and the remote unit in the cen­ter con­sole between the front seats.

The good:  The invert­er works flaw­less­ly, thus far.  I pri­mar­i­ly use the remote unit since it is between the seats.  Sec­ond, the remote unit runs inde­pen­dent­ly of the invert­er itself, so I do not have to turn it on and off to use it.  It pri­mar­i­ly has a USB cable plugged into it so that I can run my phone off of it.  I also just pur­chased an AC to DC invert­er so that I can mount a 3 or 4 port cig­a­rette lighter type pow­er unit inside the cen­ter con­sole as well for my hand­held CB and/or a portable Ham Radio unit.

The bad:  It’s mount­ed under the back seat, and I need to find a way to cov­er it and water­proof it so that if I leave the soft top off the Jeep that it does not get wet and ruin the unit.  Also, I have not “test­ed” the unit against the bat­tery yet. So I am not sure how long the unit will last with the car not run­ning.  My bud­dy John sug­gests hook­ing up a deep cycle bat­tery or two as well, and I have thought about adding anoth­er bat­tery under the hood, and even­tu­al­ly beef­ing up the alter­na­tor as well in the future with a larger/heavier duty one to run more pow­er in the event I am pulling a lot of pow­er and run­ning the vehi­cle simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.

Thus far how­ev­er, it seems to be a good pur­chase.  If any­thing adverse hap­pens, I will be sure to update this post.

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