I have been tak­ing inven­to­ry late­ly of my preps late­ly.  Every­thing from ammu­ni­tion, water, food, med­ical sup­plies, etc.  I am find­ing I have some issues in each area that need to be reme­died.  How­ev­er, if you have read through my blog recent­ly, you will also know, I am not a huge fan of “bug­ging in,” in a SHTF and I am not big on apart­ment secu­ri­ty.  I don’t believe it exists in the sub­urbs.  Too many peo­ple (refugees/locusts).  Con­verse­ly, if it is win­ter, there is a snow or ice storm, etc. what else do we have to do but bug in if the pow­er goes out, etc.  So, that said, I have a few months worth of preps (food, and the means to have 80+ gal­lons of water in my apart­ment if need be).

I encour­age all of you to cre­ate your own inven­to­ry lists, and com­pare them to those peo­ple who pub­lish theirs online and dis­cuss them in forums.  I don’t like dis­cussing mine.  Call me para­noid, but believe it just opens me up to oth­er issues.  Find friends who are prep­pers and dis­cuss their preps and rate them against yours.  Make your own judge­ment calls.  I am not just talk­ing food either.  I am includ­ing items such as NBC/Mopps gear, cook­ing uten­sils.  Let’s say the pow­er goes out and you have an elec­tric stove.  How are you going to cook?  How are you going to bake?  Might make sense to pick up a camp stove, some fuel tanks (16 oz and 14 oz propane tanks) as well as a Cole­man camp oven to bake small meals in until the pow­er comes back on.  I remem­ber my Mom cook­ing on a camp stove when the pow­er went out when I was a kid in the kitchen.

Don’t under esti­mate holes in your preps… It could lit­er­al­ly mean the dif­fer­ence between stay­ing sta­tion­ary or hav­ing to go mobile.

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